Saturday, June 8, 2013

Weekly Love

I believe that gratitude is the fastest link to happiness. It makes you feel positive. contented. peaceful. And it enhances the feeling of love. Jason Mraz sings about gratitude all the time. Which is one of the many reasons I love him so much :)

On the other hand, constant wanting does nothing but produce stress. Stress doesn't necessarily have to be bad. Some forms of stress are good for you. Good or bad though, it's stress all the same.

Janine's Weekly Love project allows you to de-stress by taking notice of everyday "moments of love." Moments like these can be found in the most unlikely places, in the most mundane of things. As such, they go by unnoticed. If we slowed down though, we'd see plenty, and we'd feel a lot happier. The perfect way to handle stress. (And I know I don't handle stress very well)

Here's my list of my moments of love. I am grateful for..

..Social media. It makes communicating with friends abroad so very easy.

..Reliable internet connection at home and at the office. Can't imagine life without it.

..Long but immensely satisfying conversations with friends. It's like high school all over again.

..Friends, both new and old. Life is so much better with friends!

Weekly Love happens every Friday. Join the party over at

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed what "simple loves" you detected! Especially the one about the internet connection made me think a lot about how we tend to take such things for granted without being grateful one single moment. Thank you for sharing and have another week full of little loves!
